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On a Deftones kick.....

[Jan 17,2008 8:24pm - Hoser ""]
Man, I will always love these guys...

[Jan 17,2008 8:31pm - yummy ""]
That song always reminded me of cherub rock by the smashing pumpkins. Not one of my favorites. Too whiney.
[Jan 17,2008 8:34pm - Niccolai ""]
I love the deftones.

I catch shit on this forum all the time for it, but I just make fun of everyone else for liking blackmetal.
[Jan 17,2008 9:09pm - Blue ""]
Niccolai said:I catch shit on this forum all the time for it, but I just make fun of everyone else for liking blackmetal.


id rather be caught listening to deftones any day than be spotted lurking grimly in my parent's basement engulfing myself in the dismal enthrallment of the latest xasthur release.

i dont go on deftones kicks, i make sure to listen to them every week.
[Jan 17,2008 9:18pm - xanonymousx ""]
they were playing them in newbury comics today.
[Jan 17,2008 9:40pm - ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza  ""]
Deftones are awesome, but that song doesn't really do it for me. However, I was just listening to White Pony at the gym. The song "passenger" usually makes it's way into my playlist every time I go.
[Jan 17,2008 9:42pm - Hoser ""]
Ya, catch shit or not...I love these guys...

I love this band too....

[Jan 17,2008 9:47pm - joeycobra ""]
Weird that I busted out the self titled for the first time in awhile today, and for some reason everyone today has been talking about them.

great band.
[Jan 17,2008 9:48pm - Hoser ""]
I inserted my hog into the CD case earlier today......coincidence?
[Jan 18,2008 9:55am - Whoremastery ""]
deftones kick ass.....!
[Jan 18,2008 9:57am - sinistas ""]
I don't like the Deftones all that much, but Digital Bath is awesome.
[Jan 18,2008 9:58am - brian_dc ""]
Fine band...cue Rev shittalk
[Jan 18,2008 9:58am - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
space rock forever
[Jan 18,2008 10:10am - c.dead  ""]
Blue said:Niccolai said:I catch shit on this forum all the time for it, but I just make fun of everyone else for liking blackmetal.


id rather be caught listening to deftones any day than be spotted lurking grimly in my parent's basement engulfing myself in the dismal enthrallment of the latest xasthur release.

i dont go on deftones kicks, i make sure to listen to them every week.

Neither of you have any idea what you are talking about. I don't like Deftones, but i wouldn't say only nu-metalcore bisexuals listen to it while crying in their sleep.
[Jan 18,2008 10:12am - Niccolai ""]
c.dead said:i wouldn't say only nu-metalcore bisexuals listen to it while crying in their sleep.

Well we do.
[Jan 18,2008 10:12am - Murph nli  ""]
Niccolai said:I love the deftones.

I catch shit on this forum all the time for it, but I just make fun of everyone else for liking blackmetal.

that and it gives you a reason to wear you Chino halloween outfit.

ya meng.
[Jan 18,2008 10:16am - niflheim ""]
At least Xasthur's Nocturnal Poisoning possesses artistic integrity, compared to some pseudo-art rock/emo band plastered all over MTV, like the deftones.
[Jan 18,2008 10:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
Sorry Hose, I have no use for this band.
[Jan 18,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""]
i fucking HATE The Deftones. what a waste of a band. i saw them in 96 with White Zombie and Pantera, and it cemented my hate for them.
[Jan 18,2008 10:43am - GoatCatalyst ""]
i like that song where he whimpers, mumbles, then screams
[Jan 18,2008 10:44am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
niflheim said:At least Xasthur's Nocturnal Poisoning possesses artistic integrity, compared to some pseudo-art rock/emo band plastered all over MTV, like the deftones.

actually, they were one of the bands from that era that never really got any mainstream attention(in comparison to korn and limp bizkit and all them). they had only one or two songs that actually got decent radio airplay and time on MTV.

they also do things way different and aren't a nu-metal band as everyone claims they are...they just got lumped into it because their first cd had some rapping on it and they were from so-cal

i'll admit to having a MASSIVE deftones poster in my room(and a couple other small ones), and my sister and i do a couple covers of them acoustic when we play out. great band.
[Jan 18,2008 10:45am - Yeti ""]
GoatCatalyst said:i like that song where he whimpers, mumbles, then screams

[Jan 18,2008 10:57am - Niccolai ""]
Yeti said:i White Zombie and Pantera

wait.. you saw white zombie and pantera and it was the deftones that you didn't like? jesus.
[Jan 18,2008 10:57am - c.dead  ""]
Yeti said:i fucking HATE The Deftones. what a waste of a band. i saw them in 96 with White Zombie and Pantera, and it cemented my hate for them.

Haha, I was there. We got to see Deftones instead of Eyehategod because they were off that tour the day it came to MA. I wasn't very happy about that.
[Jan 18,2008 11:00am - c.dead  ""]
Niccolai said:Yeti said:i White Zombie and Pantera

wait.. you saw white zombie and pantera and it was the deftones that you didn't like? jesus.

I didn't like anyone really. I thought White Zombie put on a good show with the projector shit and AxCx opened so that was moderately entertaining seeing everyone with their arms folded while they played.
[Jan 18,2008 11:04am - Timma ""]
I believe this debate already occured in a thread about Fear Factory a week or so ago...

Either way....Deftones are great. Eat me.
[Jan 18,2008 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
when I saw them I thought "hahaha, those funny vocals are hilarious" but then it wasn't a joke... except on everyone who paid to see them.
[Jan 18,2008 11:15am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Timma said:I believe this debate already occured in a thread about Fear Factory a week or so ago...

i like that song where the guy plays really tight stop/start riffs with the drums and the guy yells about the resistor and then sings off key about raping clones
[Jan 18,2008 11:22am - Timma ""]
I often rape clones....usually followed by a Superman.
[Jan 18,2008 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
GoatCatalyst said:Timma said:I believe this debate already occured in a thread about Fear Factory a week or so ago...

i like that song where the guy plays really tight stop/start riffs with the drums and the guy yells about the resistor and then sings off key about raping clones

hahaha i'm going to guess that song is Self Bias Resistor, but i can't remember a lyric about raping clones.
[Jan 18,2008 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
Niccolai said:Yeti said:i White Zombie and Pantera

wait.. you saw white zombie and pantera and it was the deftones that you didn't like? jesus.

waka waka!
[Jan 18,2008 12:56pm - Hoser_NLI  ""]
Yeti said:i fucking HATE The Deftones. what a waste of a band. i saw them in 96 with White Zombie and Pantera, and it cemented my hate for them.

I was also at that show. Deftones were great. I DO remember people throwing pennies at Anal Cunt and them getting pretty annoyed. I also remember someone throwing a shoe on stage and it hit Seth.
[Jan 18,2008 1:38pm - Punisher ""]
[Jan 18,2008 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 18,2008 1:48pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 18,2008 1:54pm - Niccolai ""]

Like I said, it's no secret.
[Jan 18,2008 2:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
deftones>99.9% of bands on this board
[Jan 18,2008 3:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 18,2008 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
SacreligionNLI said:deftones>nothing

i concur.
[Jan 18,2008 3:22pm - Punisher ""]
SacreligionNLI said:deftones>99.9% of bands on this board

You are < than one of Eva Braun's ass crack hairs. You fucking tool.
[Jan 18,2008 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
isn't there a board about bands like this? http://www.baystaterock.com/
[Jan 18,2008 3:33pm - ancient master  ""]
after reading this thread, I checked out them on youtube since I honestly never had the desire to do so before.

I can not see what the appeal to this band is, given the billions of other, better, more talented, less over produced, and less whiny bands that one could listen to. Why would you choose to subject yourself to this?
[Jan 18,2008 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
you know what, I just did the same thing. OMG that is like if the smashing pumpkins got worse. wait a minute.
[Jan 18,2008 4:26pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i stand by my statement. they're one of those bands where if you weren't into em when they came out then i'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to try to like them now, especially if you're gung-ho for metal all the time. is it really that hard to accept that some people might like something other than you without giving them shit? wait a minute.

also, i heard that eva braun shaved
[Jan 18,2008 4:27pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
and for the record, i can understand why a lot of you hate the vocals but i for one am not much of a vocals guy...i think of them more in respect to the rest of the song as opposed to standing alone
[Jan 18,2008 7:01pm - Hoser ""]
I ain't gay, but I love the Deftones. I think that their song writing is killer.
[Jan 18,2008 8:12pm - ancient master  ""]
you know theres something to be said for prefacing liking a band by saying " I aint gay, but..."
[Jan 18,2008 8:49pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza said:Deftones are awesome, but that song doesn't really do it for me. However, I was just listening to White Pony at the gym. The song "passenger" usually makes it's way into my playlist every time I go.

That's probably my favorite Deftones song ever.
[Jan 19,2008 3:31am - Punisher ""]
Reason #502 that you might be a homosexual.
You like the Deftones.
[Jan 19,2008 7:18am - Niccolai ""]
Passenger is my least favorate song by them. that and mini maggot which everyone seems to love.

digital bath is probably my favorate. Songs about killing hookers are never gay, I don't care who you are.
[Jan 19,2008 7:57am - mOe ""]
deftones > most of shit that gets jocked on this board
end of thread
[Jan 19,2008 8:59am - numetaldude420  ""]
yea, man. they rock harder than korn and static x combined! my parents hate them so much!
[Jan 19,2008 11:42am - corpus_colostomy ""]
hate this band, i do. :yoda:

ps: going on "kicks" will always be gay.
[Jan 19,2008 1:30pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Self titled = best
[Jan 19,2008 1:30pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Oh yeah, it's just Deftones not THE Deftones.
[Jan 19,2008 1:53pm - Punisher ""]
mOe said:deftones > most of shit that gets jocked on this board
end of thread

Attention ladies and gentlemen:
The thread has indeed ended. Some obscure loser has said as much.
[Jan 19,2008 2:26pm - Mucko ""]
[Jan 19,2008 2:58pm - Sly  ""]
that pic is awesome but i still like Deftones.
[Jan 19,2008 3:40pm - SW  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:deftones>99.9% of bands on this board


[Jan 19,2008 7:53pm - moe nli  ""]
Punisher said:mOe said:deftones > most of shit that gets jocked on this board
end of thread

Attention ladies and gentlemen:
The thread has indeed ended. Some obscure loser has said as much.

[Jan 28,2008 8:18pm - Blue ""]
jesus i need to bump this thread.
[Jan 28,2008 8:25pm - yummy ""]
I ain't gay, but I don't care for Deftones. That's what can be said for that.

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